Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cool Dude

Hey everyone....while we've been gone we've been busy!! Mom and Dad took me to the mall and got me a big boy haircut, now I am a dapper little man. Gramma bought me some cool new sunglasses to go with my haircut I was checking them out in this next photo!! We visited the doctor for another check of my weight and overall growth, Gramma came along to meet the Doctor and to hear what he had to say....I am almost 18 lbs at 13 months old, a big bruser as Gramma calls me ( hee hee hee) But the doctor thinks I am just fine and doesn't think I will be a linebacker by any means however we need a quarterback in the family, or maybe a goalie??


  1. What a sweet picture!!! We are super excited to see you guys in June at Leah's birthday party!!! Miss you, XOXO, WS

  2. Hi Owen! I love your glasses! I can't wait to see you next weekend. We are going to have sooo much fun playing :)
    Love Leah
